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Plant Care Solutions

Plant Care Solutions

Olmix Plant Care designs, produces and markets biosourced biostimulants and nutritional solutions for all actors in plant production, to support the agroecological transition towards a more sustainable and resilient model. These solutions stimulate the natural functions of soils and plants, with three key objectives:

  • Soil health and resilience
  • Plant nutrition efficiency
  • Tolerance to abiotic stress

Reconciling yield and quality, profitability and sustainability: this is the promise of a new approach to plant production based on respect for the natural functions of living organisms.

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  • Biosourced biostimulant
  • Plant Nutrition
  • Agri Biosourced Solutions
  • Natural Plant Nutrition



The partner of choice for farmers towards the agro-ecological transition.
Olmix is a global company specialized in developing, producing and distributing high-value biosourced solutions for livestock and crop farming in more than 100 countries across the world.

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