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Animal Care Solutions

Animal Care Solutions

Global programs of biosourced solutions for improved animal welfare and hygiene.

Through innovations issued from seaweed, Olmix Animal Care has developed a full range of solutions acting on 5 key factors influencing the welfare and the performance of livestock animals.

Olmix Animal Care offers solutions that improve the welfare and performance of the animals by improving the environmental hygiene, enhancing their immune defense, guaranteeing the digestive welfare, increasing the mineral and digestive efficiency and fighting mycotoxins present in the feed.

This global strategy contributes to reducing the agriculture impact on the environment: it allows to adjust to climate changes consequences, to reduce farming carbon foot print and the use of medication, while supporting the fight against antibiotic resistance, while improving the quality of the final product.

Olmix Animal Care has developed products for all the stakeholders in livestock breeding, aquaculture and pets: farmers, veterinarians, feed millers and premixers.

Discover our products


  • Animal Health
  • Feed Biosourced Solutions
  • Livestock Welfare
  • Livestock Performance
  • Farming Biosourced Solutions



The partner of choice for farmers towards the agro-ecological transition.
Olmix is a global company specialized in developing, producing and distributing high-value biosourced solutions for livestock and crop farming in more than 100 countries across the world.

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