Marine algae extracts allow us to eliminate additives, preservatives and flavor enhancers and obtain a Nutriscore A and an average rating on Yuka of 84 for a super delicious result.
Our products do not have the iodized/marine taste of seaweed but are clearly close to "traditional" and gourmet tastes.
We commercialize 3 product lines :
- Crackers (crisps, curly) - dry
- Vegan spreads (terrines, tarama,...) - dry
- Alternatives to imitation meat (paved, meatball, minced meat, nuggets) fresh or forzen
All our products are made in France.
Our customers are grocery, supermarkets and restaurants because we offer small and large boxes.
Our products do not have the iodized/marine taste of seaweed but are clearly close to "traditional" and gourmet tastes.
We commercialize 3 product lines :
- Crackers (crisps, curly) - dry
- Vegan spreads (terrines, tarama,...) - dry
- Alternatives to imitation meat (paved, meatball, minced meat, nuggets) fresh or forzen
All our products are made in France.
Our customers are grocery, supermarkets and restaurants because we offer small and large boxes.