Le Monde des Crepes, located in Côtes d'Armor, is the provider of all your frozen crepes, galettes, blinis and pancakes. Products adapted to every moment, from breakfast to dessert, via the snacking, brunch, gourmet coffee, catering and of course the main course buffet.

Le Monde des crêpes was born from the ambitions of a family. In 1982, in Hénanbihen, M. Jarnoux bought hand-machine crepe-makers from his neighbors to make fresh Crêpes and Galettes in the local area. The business took on national scope when he decided to sell his products in Paris, and then built a production plant in Lamballe in 1999. The international turn was taken in 2001, following a request from Japanese clients interested in the Galettes, frozen Galettes. This new activity lead to the creation of the company "Le Monde des Crêpes" in 2003, which settled in a second plant entirely dedicated to the frozen production. Today, Le Monde des Crêpes has a leadership position in the foodservice sector selling frozen crêpes, pancakes, blinis and galettes. Located in the heart of Brittany, our company has always given great importance on long-term partnerships with local suppliers of qualitative ingredients.



Discover more about LE MONDE DES CREPES