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Trade Compliance

Trade Compliance

Automate controls and processes performed by your fraud & financial crime and/or trade finance operations teams for:

  • Enhanced compliance & reputational risk management: ensure compliance and effective management of risks associated with international trade transactions (sanctions/embargoes, AML/CFT, document fraud, etc.);
  • Operational efficiency: automate trade compliance checks and processes, such as due-diligence and escalation management processes, to increase operational efficiency;
  • In-depth activity information and analysis: have oversight over your international trade activity, reinforce your customer’s knowledge and improve customer stickiness.

@Financial Institutions
@Commodity Traders
@Marine Insurers
@Freight Forwarders


  • Trade Finance
  • Transaction Monitoring
  • Financial Crime Compliance
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering
  • Decision Making Support



Innovators in Maritime & International Trade Security
With over a decade of R&D in data fusion and artificial intelligence, Semsoft has developed the LESTR platform, a maritime and trade risk intelligence solution designed to tackle criminal activity performed under the guise of international trade.

Discover more about SEMSOFT

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