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Dome Experimentation

Dome Experimentation

Explore and develop private 5G applications
Dome Experimentation offers companies that wish to benefit from the advantages of private 5G networks the possibility of testing and validating use cases relevant to their activity and exploring and developing new applications dedicated to their profession.

Dome Experimentation is an ideal solution for Proof of Concept (POCs)

  • Edge Computing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Internet of Things
  • Logistics robotics
  • Augmented reality
  • Live content production
  • Video surveillance
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Critical communications services


  • Scalability: platform configuration adapts to business needs thanks to regular updates of the latest versions of Dome.
  • Return on investment: focus on deployment of dedicated use cases. By testing use cases, industries also validate their interest in the company.
  • Reduced risks: validated and tested platform that can scale up for operational use.
  • Flexibility: Dome Experimentation natively addresses different use cases. The technical support offers an access to the Dome support and to the Obvios experts.


  • Private 5G tests
  • 5G PoC
  • 5G Testkit
  • Private 5G Applications
  • 5G Test



Connect with trust

Obvios develops 100% software-defined private 5G network technologies. Our private connectivity solutions are robust, easy to deploy and operate. It's all we do, that's why we are good at it.
Our aim: to innovate and simplify.

Discover more about OBVIOS

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